Filezilla port 49573
Filezilla port 49573

When a change is detected, the affected services are automatically restarted. Interval, in seconds, at which the system verifies if web or VNC certificates have changed. See the Security section for more details. Method used to perform the secure VNC connection. When set to 1, an encrypted connection is used to access the application's GUI (either via a web browser or VNC client). When set to 1, dark mode is enabled for the application. Height (in pixels) of the application's window. Width (in pixels) of the application's window. ATTENTION: Container functionality can be affected when installing a package that overrides existing container files (e.g. Packages are installed from the repository of the Linux distribution this container is based on. Space-separated list of packages to install during the startup of the container. In this case, the container should be run with the docker option -cap-add=SYS_NICE. NOTE: A negative niceness (priority increase) requires additional permissions. A niceness value of -20 is the highest priority and 19 is the lowest priority. Priority at which the application should run. When set to 1, the application will be automatically restarted when it crashes or terminates. Timezone can also be set by mapping /etc/localtime between the host and the container. By default, the default umask value is 0022, meaning that newly created files are readable by everyone, but only writable by the owner. The value of the mask is in octal notation. Mask that controls how file permissions are set for newly created files. See User/Group IDs to better understand when this should be set.Ĭomma-separated list of supplementary group IDs of the application.

filezilla port 49573

See User/Group IDs to better understand when this should be set. Variables can be passed via the -e parameter (one for each variable).

filezilla port 49573

To customize some properties of the container, the following environment Set a network port mapping (exposes an internal container port to the host). See the Data Volumes section for more details. Set a volume mapping (allows to share a folder/file between the host and the container). See the Environment Variables section for more details. Pass an environment variable to the container. If not set, the container runs in the foreground.

Filezilla port 49573